Business Mentor Examples

See some of the examples of businesses mentored by Mike Greene, when and how he met them and how far they have come today.

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Business Mentoring Examples

Enertherm Engineering

In this exclusive interview, Mike Greene sits down with François Pierrel, the visionary behind Enertherm Engineering, to explore his journey and the transformative power of business mentoring. Join us as we uncover the valuable insights and lessons learned from François’s experience, shedding light on the immense benefits that mentorship can bring to aspiring and established business owners alike. Get ready to be inspired and empowered by the remarkable stories shared on this page, as we showcase the tangible outcomes that arise from the powerful synergy between mentorship and entrepreneurial growth. 

The Lead Engine

Alex Curtis from The Lead Engine in April 2017 as a stressed out busy freelancer, by June he had sacked the clients soaking up his time for little return and hired his first two employees. By 2023 he has built an industry leading and recognised brand with Mike’s guidance.